WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! AI SPOILER IN THIS POST! Don't read on if you've taped it and are planning to watch later! And don't say I didn't warn you!
So, to go into more detail about what happened yesterday, E and J were standing around my cube chatting, and then everyone else, including J, started walking toward the front office. E asked me who the client was that D was sitting with out front, and I said I didn't know, but he looked like DD from TFP. She said, "Yeah, what was the other name for that company?" And I said, "I don't know... Niagara something, I think." And she said, "Come here for a sec." So we walked toward the front, and everyone was gathered in the boardroom. There was a huge cheesecake on the table, with a big "Happy birthday T" banner on it, and lots of candles. Very nice. I was surprised, even after doing the same thing to everyone else for the past seven years, because my birthday isn't until Sunday, and the cake is usually on the last working day before the birthday... But I guess, since D's not here today or tomorrow, they did it yesterday.
And the other reason why they wanted D to be there was because they presented me with a gold pen, engraved, left-handed. (If you don't know what a left-handed pen is, hold a regular pen in your left hand and look at the writing on it. It looks upside down, because it's typeset to look right side up when held in the right hand. A left-handed pen, in this case anyway, has the writing set the opposite way, so it's right side up for lefties. I got our company to start doing lefty pens, because we used to give out these green pens at our seminar, and they were all righty pens. I said something one day, like, "We're so much into detail, but all our pens are for righties." My boss thought I was crazy at first, until I explained it to him, and then he clued in. Hell, we claim to be into details, so let's use this to our advantage. "Look how detailed we are! We even thought of left-handed pens! Like it's a brand new thing or something. Anyway... Blah blah blah.) So D said it was the first present of two, the second to come tomorrow (today), and E is picking it up. I wonder what it is. A left-handed portfolio maybe?
It's a nice gesture, but it's kinda like the cat thing. And the pig thing. The second you tell someone that you like something, that's the only gift you ever get. In high school and college, I had a pig collection. Then, I got so sick of only getting pig presents, I got rid of most of them. Now, because we've got so many kitties, everyone buys me kitty presents. Sometimes it's okay, but most are just tacky.
In the okay category is B. This morning, I came in and she had placed a gift on my desk (she's not in tomorrow, so this is the last day we'll work together). It was a little blue velvet pouch, and inside was a pewter (I think) cat, with a ball in its hand, and a clock on its belly. It's tiny, so it's not tacky at all. Just a nice little desk ornament. I gave her the card I wrote for her (yes, I actually used the stationery I bought), and we had a bit of a cry. She's been my support system over the past few months. I couldn't have gotten through this process without her. I'm going to miss her LOTS. But we'll definitely keep in touch. I hope.
So today is my pizza party, I guess. Everyone is staying in for lunch. I hate the long, drawn out goodbye. Cake yesterday, pizza today, Pier tomorrow... What else is there to say? You can only say goodbye and thank you so many times before it just feels forced and contrived. I appreciate all the efforts, so much. I just don't feel worthy I guess.
Okay... so AI. Jennifer's gone. I seriously can't believe it. I guess people just think, "Well, I know Fantasia's safe, so I'll vote for Jasmine." Or whoever. Insane. Everyone has to vote for their FAVOURITE!!! Is it that difficult a concept to grasp? It sure seems like it.
And why was Paula wearing a sling Tuesday, and just a thumb splint Wednesday? She was wearing a sling for a broken thumb? Hm. I'd like more details on that. She seems drugged or drunk lately. And if I wore a splint every time I broke a finger or toe. Yeah, wasn't it Jennifer Aniston who was on crutches for two weeks because she broke a toe? God, I'm so bitter toward people who have never broken anything. I know, having had so many fractures has given me a crazy pain tolerance, but still. A toe? You've got nine others. Use 'em. Break both femurs at once and then we'll talk.
< /rant >
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