
Monday, May 10, 2004

Wow, Sar. You weren't kidding. There have been a lot of changes over the past few weeks.

Today was a rough day. Nothing worked properly. I'm losing my patience with RM. I'm still working from his house. He can't make up his mind. Wait, that's not true. He CAN make up his mind. He just changes it every five minutes. He makes a decision, then gets scared and starts to second-guess what we've done, and we're right back at square #1.

Okay, enough about that. I know I'm just frustrated. I know that, like all things, this too shall pass. I hope.

So. What have we been up to this past week or so? Thursday, we went to A&G's for Survivor. G made a pork roast, which everyone hated, except The Boy, who loves anything served on a plate. :) Friday was the last games night of the season. A&G are going to Florida later this week, and then they're opening up the cottage, so they'll be spending most of the weekends of the summer there. So the last games night was a doozy. C was more annoying than ever, if you can believe it. We were playing Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture (great game, by the way, if you're a trivia buff like I am) and, at one point, C was moving J's token around the board, without even asking him where he wanted to go. The Boy pissed her off by saying, "Why doesn't J just stop playing, and we'll give C two turns." We laughed our asses off. I guess you had to be there, because it doesn't translate well to the written word. :) Anyway, J, C and G quit. It was down to the boys and me, because we had all the pie pieces, we just had to get to the hub and answer the final question. Anyway, The Boy ended up winning. I think I was the only one who didn't mind that the game went on until 1:30 a.m. (We started playing at 9:00 p.m.!)

We got home and there were no parking spots. Again. Every weekend, people in the building have friends over or whatever, and they allow their friends to park in our parking lot. It's fucking annoying, because it's supposed to be tenants only, but the superintendants don't enforce it. So we get home, and there are literally no spots available. We can't park in the lot next to us, because we'll get towed. What do we do? We don't want to wake the super, to have him get rid of some of the other cars that aren't supposed to be there, so we parked in one of the "authorized parking only" spots by the middle door. There was seriously no where else to go. Park on the grass? Create a spot and block someone in? There was nothing else for us to do.

Well, we got up the next morning, at 10:00. The Boy had to work, and he was going to take me to Reitman's quick, so I could pick up the sweater for his mom for Mother's Day, and take me back home. We got to the car, and we had a fucking ticket!!! The fucking super called the City, and had them come and fucking ticket us!!!

Anyway, to make a long story short, we went to talk to the super, who was an absolute fuck. He had the WORST attitude, and even went so far as to insult The Boy, and grab his arm and try to push him down the stairs away from him. Bad idea. The Boy kept his cool throughout. I was SO impressed. He said, "I don't think you want to be touching me, my friend." We had a good laugh about that afterward. LOL

So. We told him we would be calling his boss, the Property Manager, to complain both about the ticket and his attitude and the "assault." Yeah, I didn't like the sound of that, but it worked. The Boy called the Property Manager, who loves him, and said she had spoken to the super about us being parked there, and told him not to call the City, but he did anyway! We were floored. He went behind his boss's back, and called the City anyway. So C said she would take the ticket and try to have it overturned for us. She also said she would be giving the super a talking to. He was totally on a power trip, and was just being an asshole.

Anyway, that's enough of that. Saturday night, we went to his parents' house for dinner. His mom loved the gifts we bought for her. Then, we went to Chapters, came home and watched a few episodes of Invader Zim. Pretty cute show. I love Gr. He's the cutest.

Sunday, we went to see Van Helsing. It was just okay. Then we went to The Boy's grandma's for the mother's day thing. That was fun. Then, we ordered Chinese, picked it up, and went home and watched Survivor!

I was hoping that Rob would win. Yes, he was manipulative, but he orchestrated the entire game. He truly was the Robfather. And I don't care what anyone says. I don't think Amber was surprised when he proposed. I voted for him to win the second million, but I know Rupert will win by a landslide. I'm cool with that too. I felt bad for Jerri though. I hope she's okay. She's been so made out to look bad, and I'm sure she's not as bad as she seems.

I guess that's it for now. I think I might watch The Swan for once. Very disturbing show, but I'm going to see what all the fuss is about.


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