Well, it's Monday. I didn't have to work today, so I did lots at home. And by "lots," I mean ate lots, drank lots of Coke, and watched lots of TLC.
Friday, I worked from home, but I can't really remember what I did. Then, The Boy got home and we went to Value Village to look at boardgames. We got Music Buff, Hedbanz, and Quicksand. Cute games. I also bought three cassettes. I don't remember the last time I used a cassette player; however, these were too good to pass up. They were $0.10 each. Jon Bon Jovi's Blaze of Glory (Soundtrack to Young Guns 2), Colin James, and Billy Joel's Innocent Man. Hell yeah.
So we got home and played Music Buff and Boggle. It was actually really fun, aside from The Boy making fun of me the whole night. :)
Saturday, we went to his parents' for dinner, as usual. Then, we got home and watched Cops and WB's American Superstar or something. I'm not sure how I feel about that show yet. It's funny, but so cruel on so many levels. First of all, you're making horrible singers think that they're great. Secondly, they're traumatizing and insulting people who are actually great singers! It's cruel, but it does make for some fine tv. But they could have gotten some better judges. Seriously. Vitamin C? Tone Loc's great though. I'd forgotten how sexy his voice was. (Don't laugh.) Then we watched a few episodes from the new Three's Company Season 2 DVD set that he bought for me. I was absolutely thrilled. Can I get a hell yeah???
Sunday, it poured rain, so The Boy made us bagels for breakfast and we went to see the 11:30 showing of Troy. I was very pleasantly surprised. I normally hate Brad Pitt, and this time was no different, but the other actors were great enough to compensate (with the exception of Orlando Bloom - I had high hopes for him, which he dashed with a horrible performance). I thought Eric Bana was great, he just needed to blink a little more. And Peter O'Toole is a god. I could watch or listen to him all day. Anyway, yeah. Pretty good movie. Despite the length (almost three hours), I didn't nod off once. Not even close. Praise indeed.
Then, we went home for a bit so The Boy could nap. He'd been whining (oops... I mean suffering) about a headache all day. The usual. He's always got a headache. I'm sorry if I don't sound sympathetic. It's hard to be sympathetic when someone says, "My head hurts so bad I think I'm dying," every other day. But I, the model girlfriend that I am, read in bed beside him so he wasn't alone. Wasn't that nice of me?
So he got up in an hour or so, and we went to A&G's. They had just gotten back from Florida the night before, so were all excited to regale us with tales of their adventures. They showed us tons of pictures from Seaworld, Animal Kingdom, etc. My favourite though was when they told us about when the left Florida and drove to Graceland. I SO want to go to Graceland! They said it was so amazing, and they had pictures to back up their stories. They said it was such an interesting experience, that they felt like they were invading the house, that it felt wrong being in there. There were baby pictures of Lisa Marie, tons of Elvis's clothes, his cars, gold records... They said that some of the rooms hadn't been touched since he died. I find that part hard to believe, but I guess one will never know. I definitely want to go there one day.
Then, we came home, and The Boy said he was going to barf. Again, an every-other-day occasion. He did barf though. Violently. He came out, in tears, because it hurt his head so badly. I felt like an absolute bitch for not trying to do more for him. He said it was bad, like the time we went to the hospital bad. (FYI, he was hit by a motorcycle when he was six, and suffered a really serious brain injury. Had surgery, now has horribly frequent headaches.) So I made a bed for him on the couch, and tried to calm him down. (When we went to the hospital last time, they just gave him some Tylenol IIIs and told him to sleep it off, so he wouldn't consider going back to the hospital.)
He slept for a while and then, when he woke up, I rubbed the back of his head a little, and he said it took a lot of the pain away. Yeah, that's right. I'm a miracle worker. I told him that it sounds like a good old fashioned migraine to me, complete with dizziness and vomiting and pain on the back of the head.
Anyway, he was fine then. Well, compared to how he was earlier. He insisted on making dinner and, afterward, we watched the American Idol special. (Can they possibly have any more specials before the finale??)
We went to bed early to read, and he got up this morning feeling a lot better. He's going to be home in about a half-hour and then we're going to A&G's for a barbecue dinner. I love when they barbecue for us, but the problem is that they don't make any side dishes. They make burgers and sausages, but no salad, no fries, no coleslaw... I always call and say, "Want us to bring a salad or rolls or something?" And she always says, "No, we've got everything we need. Just bring your appetites!" I feel like I would be insulting them if I did bring a salad then. I think next time I won't ask, I'll just bring something. But free dinner always rocks.
Then The Swan pageant is tonight. Not sure if I'll watch that or not. I've only seen two or three episodes (enough to make me decide that I'll NEVER have anything done to my face), but I think it will be, again, good tv.
I was watching Russian Roulette on GSN today, and saw that The Mole is starting on Tuesday. Note to self: Do research to determine if it's a new season, or a repeat of a past season.
I guess that's it for now. Yes, the plastic is still driving me nuts. I've been trying to act natural but, inside, I'm going crazy. The balloon place should start flights in a week or two, so hopefully it will be then. I don't know. Part of me says yes, the other part says no. C&R arrive on our anniversary, June 2nd, so he probably won't do it while they're here.
Oh, crap, almost forgot to mention the biggest news. Let me start by saying that we're going back to Windsor on Sunday for L's baptism. Keep in mind that L's mom, J, is the best friend of The Boy's ex. Also keep in mind that L's dad, M, is the cousin of The Boy's ex, and the guy that The Boy stood as best man for last summer. So we're definitely going to see his ex while we're at the baptism. Obviously, it's going to be awkward. We've never met, so I'm not exactly thrilled about the whole thing. But, as I've been saying to anyone who will listen, it's not about the ex, or us for that matter. It's about M & J and L. We're there for them, and we're not going to do anything to make the day weird for them. That being said, I know it will be infinitely uncomfortable for us.
Well, I had almost resigned myself to the fact that I would introduce myself to the ex, and be civil. Until this morning.
The Boy's mom called. The ex called her and asked if she could go and visit. She made plans with The Boy's sister to go clubbing or something, and asked if she could go and visit his mom too. Of course, his mom said, "Oh, yes, we would love to see you." Then, the ex asks if she can bring her BOYFRIEND!!!
What kind of psycho is this? Can you imagine bring your current boyfriend (who is five years younger than you, by the way), to meet your old boyfriend's family???
And how could his mom say it's okay? Doesn't she know how betrayed it makes me feel? I know I have no right to say anything about who they do or do not allow into their home, but you would think that they would have severed the ties by now. It's not as if they were married or anything, and it's not as if The Boy and I have only been together for a few months. We're going on three years, and we still have to deal with this shit on a semi-regular basis.
I'm sorry if this isn't making sense. The Boy's on his way, and I'm trying to get it all out before he gets home.
Okay. I think I'm done. Gotta change for dinner. Your mission: Tell me that I'm prettier than his ex. :P
Well...I have been to Graceland...it was unbelievable strange. I would love to go back someday because it was so different. It is a beautiful house with some off-the-wall decorating.
And, yes, I think it is VERY strange they still have contact with this girl...were they tight with her before the boy ever dated her? That is the only way I could see it would be semi-okay...but even then...they are probably not doing it to be malicious but it doesn't excuse the awkwardness of it all. Good luck...maybe someone's random foot will slip out and trip her...oh, I'm sorry, that would just be mean...lol!
Unknown, At
May 25, 2004 at 9:03 a.m.
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