So we've been engaged for almost a week, and we're still sane. I think he's agreed to an August wedding, though he hasn't said so to me. (He mentioned to his mom when she asked.) I don't want it to be "my" wedding. I want it to be "our" wedding. But it will be hard for me to plan a wedding for us if he doesn't provide any input. Thankfully, he's been a little more open to talking.
As I said before, we like black, white and silver for our colours. His mom was weird about having the bridesmaids in black, but I think it's a generational thing. Everyone our age thinks, like us, that it will look mucho eleganto. :) We agreed on a cake, and that we'll have our promise rings gold plated for our wedding bands (if the jewellry store will do that).
I tried calling the Loyalist yesterday, to ask about their pricing, since they don't have it listed anywhere on their web site, but the booking manager wasn't there. I'll have to try again this week I guess.
I'm starting that August 2005 may be too soon. The more I read about all the details, the planning, the expenses... the more spooked I get, and the more I realize that waiting is probably a good idea; however, I've had my heart set on August 27th, 2005, for ages, and it would be especially nice because he proposed on June 27th. I know, I'm a sentimental freak.
I think we can handle an August 2005 wedding. Totally. Like I said to The Boy, it's not like we have to have $10K up front. Plus, we'll be getting help from both sides.
Everyone's been so kind. His aunt J sent a card of congratulations. We've had like 20 emails and phone calls. It's been wonderful. His grandma had a Canada Day barbecue on Thursday, so J and M picked me up so I could go (Ancaster bus wasn't running on the holiday, and The Boy had to work). I walked into the backyard, and everyone swarmed around me to see the ring. No "Hi," "How are ya," just "Let me see the rock!!" It was pretty cute. His entire family was so happy for us. It made me feel really good that they welcomed me so warmly. And it seems like most people will be coming to the wedding, which is a pretty good thing. :)
Now I'm just going to do some laundry, then get ready for dinner with his parents. More later!
ohhhh...I love weddings:) I love the colors and the cake and the invites. Actually, I was going to have my bridesmaids in black until we got preggo and moved the wedding up to June (it was going to be in November)...then I thought I needed to be more will be absolutely fab! I'm sure mom will like it once she sees is gorgeous!!!
Unknown, At
July 7, 2004 at 8:08 a.m.
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