It started out terribly. Saturday night, at 10:06, The Boy said, "Oh, wasn't the guy supposed to call by 10 to confirm for tomorrow?" So I jumped up and ran to grab my cell phone (the only number I gave the guy). Sure enough, he had left a message at 8:19 p.m., saying that due to windy weather conditions, we would have to postpone. I cried. Hard. Anyway, he also said that he would keep an eye on the reports, and call us back at 10:30. I called him before he got the chance. He said that he was just about to call me, because it was looking like the wind wouldn't pick up until later in the morning, so we should be fine for our early flight. I cried out of happiness this time.
So we got up at 4:30 (had to be there by 5:45) and my cell rang again. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. It was the guy, confirming that we would be okay, and that he would see us at 5:45. Woohoo!!!
So I made sure to clear my camera's memory card, and then we were off. We arrived to find that there would be another young couple joining us (D&P).
The Boy and D helped S (balloon pilot) inflate the balloon, while P and I stood and watched. It seemed to take forever, just because we were so excited to go!
We finally got up there, were 800 feet in the air, soaring over the African Lion Safari, seeing the CN Tower in the distance, and I took out my camera. I snapped three pictures, then the battery indicator light came on, and the camera died. No warning whatsoever. That SUCKED. D said he would give us his business card, and we could email him and then he would email us the pictures he takes. I thought that was so nice!
So a few minutes later, I reached out to hold The Boy's hand. Despite the calmness of the flight, and the warmth and lack of wind, his hand was freezing cold and super clammy. I said, "Hon, your hands are freezing! Are you okay?" His mom had said the night before that she was scared he would get airsick, so I thought he wasn't feeling well.
He turned to me (he had his back to me), and said to everyone, "Excuse me everyone, for this awkward moment." I thought he was going to say, "Can we land? I need to barf." But he didn't.
He looked at me and said, "Remember, back in March, when you saw that ring that you loved..." and I started crying. Hard. P said, "Awww... take pictures!!!" So D started snapping pictures.
The Boy continued, "...and when we went back a few weeks later, the saleswoman said it had sold the next day? Well, it was sold. To me." I was crying so hard, I could hardly breathe. He pulled the ring box out of his pocket, and I couldn't believe it. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. He even had them change the band to white gold. So he passed me the ring, and I said, "You have to put it on me!" And he said, "Oh, okay, sorry... So, will you marry me?" And I couldn't speak, but I nodded my head VERY enthusiastically. :)
So I was able to enjoy the first half of the ride, and he was able to enjoy the second half. :) It was perfect. I wouldn't have changed anything.
We landed (roughly) in a gay campground. Literally. It was pretty cute. All these guys came out of their tents and campers in their bathrobes, and we didn't realize until later, when we saw the rainbow flag, that there wasn't a female in sight. They were quite shocked to see our balloon (rainbow, of course) land outside their tents. :)
We had champagne, coffee and cake. Then we drove back to our cars, and went on with our day.
First, we went to his parents' house for breakfast. His mom had decorated the kitchen, baked a cake, and bought us gifts. Everyone was really happy for us, and kept calling me their sister. Very cute.
We went home for an hour or so and then
More later.
awww, that is way too cute! I got goose bumps and tears just reading:) Cannot WAIT to hear the rest! That is awesome about his mom making a mini party for the two of you...congrats!
Unknown, At
June 29, 2004 at 8:48 a.m.
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