
Saturday, March 13, 2004

I've changed a few settings on the Blog, and made it public. God help me. Note to self: Change all names to initials, to protect the guilty.

Games night sucked. It's so sad when one's religious beliefs can cloud the mind so much that a simple board game is not fun anymore. Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying that religion is wrong. I'm saying it should enrich your life. Not restrict it. Now you think I'm going to hell. Call me crazy, but I like to believe that we were given free will for a reason, and that reason is so that we could make our own mistakes and learn from them. With some exceptions, of course. It goes without saying that some mistakes are much more severe than others, like I think most would agree that the sin of pre-marital sex is a little less severe than, say, murder. But that's just me.

Anyway, The Boy dropped me off at the mall today, on his way to work. I went with the intention of buying a nice, professional set of cosmetic brushes. SO not me. But I've always used really cheap ones from WalMart, not that there's anything wrong with them... But I'm a big girl now and wanted a big girl set of makeup brushes. Why do I feel like I have to apologize for being girlie now and then? I guess because I never used to pay attention to the way I looked. I was the grunge queen. Now, I know myself, and know that I like to look nice sometimes, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

So, that being said, I got my brushes, and they gave me a facial and did my makeup for free. It was nice to be pampered. And, no, I didn't go and look at the ring. I couldn't bear it. I can almost taste it, but I stayed away.

Now, I'm home and, when I checked my email, I found two letters from people who've read my mail! It was so nice of V and H to write. I hope to hear from them again. It would be nice to have a few net friends/pen pals.

Tonight is dinner with The Boy's parents, as usual. Then, Chapters, I think. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll nap now. I have a few hours before he gets home from work.


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