Got my new computer. I can breathe now, and my heartrate can return to normal.
Let's see... Where was I last? Right. Ray.
Well, since then, I was working from home because my laptop died, and I was just doing the newsletter anyway, which was web-based, so RM told me to continue from home on Friday. Basically, my battery died, and then the power supply died. It was an old laptop anyway, and it had other problems too, so The Boy dipped into savings and we bought one of the extras that A had lying around. It just happens to be a Tecra, P4, 512 MB of RAM and a 30 GB hard drive. That should keep me going for a while.
Anyway, he was able to save everything from my hard drive, which was my major concern. Every photo we've taken since we got the digital camera, every song I've downloaded (legally of course) since 2002, every letter, resume, story, journal entry (pre-blog)... My whole life was on that hard drive. Thanks to A, it's now on this hard drive. The moral of the story: Back up. You don't think you have to, but think about life sans computer. Not pretty.
So Friday, we went to the drive-in and saw Garfield and The Day After Tomorrow. Garfield was cute, but would have been better as an animated short or something before a feature film. It was just kind of a really long short film. Make sense?
The Day After Tomorrow really creeped me out. Aside from the fact that, no matter what movie it is, Dennis Quaid's utter lack of acting ability always makes me snap back to reality, the premise was so scary. Just the fact that nature can do whatever it will, and there's not a damned thing we can do about it. That scares me. That's why water scares me. Not like water in a bathtub, but water in the ocean. :P
Saturday, I didn't do much. I cleaned a lot, played on The Boy's computer a bit, and then went to his parents' house for dinner. Then, we went to A&G's to drop off the sick computer and, we thought, to pick up the new one. Four hours later, The Boy and I realized that it was taking a hell of a lot longer to prep it than we thought it would, so we came home. I felt REALLY bad for ruining not only our night but A&G's night too. They were so cool about it though, saying that it was cool to just hang out again. It's been a while since we've done that. We're going to have a nice games night this Friday. That should be fun. We have some new games, and so do they, so it should be cool.
We came home, The Boy played video games, and we went to sleep. Today (Sunday), we got up and went to some cd/vinyl show downtown. It was a waste of time. It's funny because, as we were leaving the house, I said, "This is going to be exactly like the comic con: We're going to pay to get in, do one walk around the perimeter and want to leave." We got there, paid $3 each, did two walks around the perimeter and left. :) It was way out of our league. If we were collectors, that would be one thing. We would be willing to pay $300 for an Ella box set; however, I'm perfectly happy with the little millennium collections for $9.99 at HMV. I don't need Beatles hair pomade, or a Madonna napkin. I would like to find "Tell Your Mother Hello" by Dean Martin though. He sang a few lines in Ocean's Eleven, and I never heard it again.
We left the Ramada, then went to the mall to get a gift for C. It's her first birthday today! She's so adorable. Saturday, when we were at A&G's, we walked across the street to D&B's house, and hung with Jo, Je and C for a bit. When we first got there, Je brought C out of the bedroom to see us, and she was walking, holding her mom's hand. Well, I said hi to her and stooped down and held out my hands, and she came right to me! Je said, "Whoa!!! She's NEVER done that before!" Jo said, "She knows a Maritimer when she sees one!" (They live in Halifax, or Truro, I think.) Anyway, it was pretty cute. But the second she realized that she was in the arms of someone she didn't know, she reached for her mom. I was tickled that she came to me in the first place.
Anyway, we got her a little Joe Boxer shirt and skort set at Sears (thanks to my creative shopping skills), and The Boy convinced me to get her a Toronto Maple Leafs bib too. :P Jo loved it. Je loved the outfit, obviously. :)
So we hung out there for a while, mostly with Ja and L and B. It was pretty cool actually. Then, we came home, new laptop in tow, and watched Pitch Black. I guess part 2 is out now, so The Boy needed to prep me to see it. :P
I think we're all up to speed now. My legs are sore and swollen, M is curled up beside me, and life is good.
Oh. Forgot this. Something's weird here. The balloon trip has been postponed again. The Boy and D are going to Toronto next Sunday for a comic con, from 10 to 5. So he won't have time to do the balloon ride and then take me home, get D, and get to Toronto for 10. He had a good point when he said he wants to be able to take our time with it and not feel like we have to rush through it or anything. That makes sense.
I can't help but think that he's stalling.
What if he needs the card to make the purchase? :P
Uptown, At
June 14, 2004 at 12:43 p.m.
Nah, he's definitely not stalling. Last week, it was something beyond both of your controls, right? And was the com-con this week a total surprise? Did he just suddenly decide he had to go, or was this something he's at least been thinking/talking about for a little while?
Also, congrats on the new comp. I always love that.
Zannah, At
June 14, 2004 at 6:12 p.m.
Okay, you're right. The circumstances are beyond our control, on all occasions. It's just dumb luck.
Uptown, At
June 14, 2004 at 8:05 p.m.
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