
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

I keep having these dreams about rings. I had one dream that we were out for dinner, and the waiters gathered around, singing "Happy Birthday." I was confused, because it wasn't my birthday but, when I saw the cake, there was a ring on top.

C&R arrive tomorrow. We're both so excited to have them over. The Boy has so impressed me lately. He's been so helpful, basically doing all the planning for their stay in a matter of minutes. He's also been really helpful with cleaning too. The bathroom actually sparkles, and he's going to mop the living room and kitchen tomorrow morning while I work. I work all morning, then I go to the airport to greet them. R was also kind enough to give me Thursday all day too. So C&R will only be alone for Friday day. The Boy is going to drop them at Marineland before he goes to work (Very nice of him). Then The Boy and I are going to meet them in Niagara Falls after work to do Clifton Hill and dinner at either Hard Rock, Rainforest, or Planet Hollywood. Should be nice.

The baptism was beautiful. His ex was not. That made me happy.

More later.


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