So, yesterday, The Boy asked me to print his comic lettering because D needs to put everything together and they're running out of time. It took two seconds to print it, and he was pretty happy. Problem was that all the bubbles around the words were all messed up, but I didn't notice, so I had to print them again and we had to go back downtown to drop them off at D's house.
Then, since we were out, we decided to do groceries at Sobey's in Ancaster for a change. I can't stress how huge a mistake this was. When we go to No Frills, we usually spend $80 to $100 on groceries every two weeks or so. Last night, we spent $194 and some cents. I almost peed my pants. We didn't even go crazy. I got some Ziploc containers for like $4.49, and we each got a magazine. That's it. The rest is stuff we totally would have normally gotten. I couldn't believe it. Now I'm going to feel like I'm choking on debt until I get paid again. Oh well. At least we've got lots of food.
So, of course, The Boy freaks out because he immediately runs a list of all the bills that we have to pay. Someday. It's not like they're due this second. They're due by the end of the month, so we've each got another cheque before then. We're TOTALLY fine, but he's the ...
I think I just got it. He's trying to make me think that we're in financial trouble, so then I'll be even more surprised when he proposes with a big fat diamond ring. Hm. Right.
Anyway, this morning, he drove me to work and I had forgotten to get change for bus fare for the ride home. So we stopped at a little convenience store on the way to RM's, and I only had a $20. I didn't want to break a $20 for a little thing like Rolaids, so I thought that I would grab cat food too. I thought it would be nice. Spend an extra buck, but save The Boy from making a special trip to the store later. Not so. I held it up to the store window, smiling stupidly, and he's like flailing his arms, mouthing, "NO! What the fuck???"
I have no idea what set him off, but I bought my Rolaids for $1.19, got my bus fare, and the evil eye from Mr. Store Man.
I get in the car, and The Boy starts reaming on me about how what should have taken 30 seconds took five minutes. I gave it right back to him, that he bitches that he's always doing things for me and I'm never doing things for him and, while it's not much, I thought it would be a nice gesture to save him from going to the store again, when we were right there and it was only a buck more than had he gone to the Frills.
Anyway, whatever. He was miserable. I shut down and can't even remember the rest of the conversation. I just remember not kissing goodbye when he dropped me off, and him not returning the "I love you."
I HATE when we fight. I panic. I don't know why. I know I shouldn't, because all couples have arguments and stuff, but I just... I feel sick, and agitated. So I emailed him a picture of me making a goofy face, and said, "How can you be mad at a face like this?" He emailed me back, and said some pretty nice things. He said that he's sorry he's been so edgy lately. "You must want to hold my head under toilet water until I die, but please try to refrain." Pretty cute.
So we're fine again. I wish I could just get through to him that we're in this together. His problems are mine, and vice versa. It's so much easier to get through together. Instead, he just bottles everything up until, like now, he's so miserable, that every tiny thing just sets him off. Then I set him straight and he's fine until the next time. :P
Anyway, back to work, I guess.
Anna: Happy now?
But that's the point: We're NOT having money or relationship troubles. He's just stressing out over nothing! Well, not really "nothing..." but I'll blog about that later.
Uptown, At
June 18, 2004 at 8:52 a.m.
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