So I guess it's every man's dream to get a three-way. I was shocked to learn that it's not RA's. When C told me that he'd done it (not with her), I was very shocked, and more shocked to learn that it turned him off lesbians, because he felt like the odd one out. I laughed my ass off when I heard that. I thought that was pretty funny. So when they were here and we would make silly comments like we always have, he would get all angry and say it was so gross (unbeknownst to me, of course).
I told The Boy about this, just last night. He's been dwelling over it ever since. "How come HE gets a three-way and I don't?" "He didn't even appreciate it! I would appreciate it! Just once! Huh? Can we? Can we?" Yeah right. "Well, maybe we should swap then. Sounds like R's more your type."
There it was!!! I was waiting for it. It took a week or two for it to come, but come it did. I laughed, and told him to smarten up.
But what if he's right? I don't think I'm a prude, but I'm not all freaky like he is. I'm totally happy with vanilla. Sometimes with a few chocolate sprinkles on top. Maybe, like I've said a million times before, it's just my self-esteem eating away at my sex drive. I need some oysters or rhino dust or something.
I'm working from home today. Got Illustrator working, finally. Problem is that it's an older version than I was using, so I doubt my files will work. Argh.
I should probably get to it, I guess. So, dear readers, talk amongst yourselves. Your topic: What is sexy? Discuss.
lmao! I do NOT suggest a threeway...let me just say, I have a friend (truly...this is NOT about me) and she allowed her bfriend to talk her into it...well, in the end, she is alone and he walks away with her best friend. I would consider one if it was between friends but NEVER with someone I was in a committed relationship with...there is a long list of freakish things we can do before we have to invite someone into our bed and relationship...oh yeah, that reminds me of my other friend who was dating a guy...he and his wife hooked up with their I guess it is really swinging not 3ways...all of them are in the middle of divorce and he dumped my friend because he is hung up on his friend's wife...
I guess I am being mommy-ish and saying, sex isn't as anonymous and emotionless as what people would like us to believe...
Sexy...I have a thing with people playing with my long hair...something about it...and a guy who can make me laugh and have intelligent conversation...
Unknown, At
June 17, 2004 at 10:00 a.m.
oh for lesbians...I don't know what I would do if Angelina Jolie was knocking on my door...heck, if I SAW her I would probably be begging!
Unknown, At
June 17, 2004 at 10:02 a.m.
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