
Thursday, March 25, 2004

We went to A&G's for the show, and the same thing happened as last week. They ruined it. Am I just PMS-ing? Maybe. But seriously, if people go over to your house, for the specific purpose of watching a tv show, for god's sake, watch the tv show. And I felt like every word out of my mouth was fodder for an argument. I hate going there to watch the shows. I just want to stay at home, curled up with The Boy. Is it wrong to want to cut myself off from civilization sometimes? I'm sure everyone feels that way sometimes. Right?

Today, Zannah and Hugo made my day. Thanks again, guys. I'm a huge fan of each of you, respectively, and am honoured that you give me the time of day. Yes, I'm making a huge production out of nothing, but let me have this small moment. :)

I'm eating McD's again. No wonder I'm such a cow lately. I feel gross and huge and very un-sexy, which explains the drought in the bedroom. I know it will pass. I just have to get motivated. I'm almost there though. I'm sick of being tired all the time, and hating the way my body looks and feels. I know I just have to get my arse in gear. The Boy tells me how hot I am, and I know he truly thinks so. But I have to learn to think so too, or do something about it.


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