
Wednesday, March 24, 2004

RM just called and asked if I'm still interested in working for him. I said, "If you still want me, I still want you." I can't imagine finally being rid of this place. Can you believe the timing? He said he's meeting with his guys tomorrow, so he'll let me know if they approve a full-time person (being me). I would work from home. I would so love to work from home for a while. I can't imagine the freedom.

God, I hope it works out. I don't know how much more of this place I can take.

So I called The Boy to tell him my exciting news, and he shot it down. He said, "Well, don't get your hopes up... It's not like you haven't heard that before."

If I don't have hopes, what do I have? A job I hate, a boyfriend who's dragging his feet, and $7.84 in my chequing account. I'm hanging on to the hope of this new job, with all my might.


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